Renowned dentist Dr. Lior Tamir founded The Dental App, the future of dental management software, with four pillars of growth in mind. What are the four pillars of growth, and how can they help you unlock the full potential of your dental practice?

Pillar 1: Building Trust

What if software could revolutionize your patient experience and generate instant trust, increase treatment plan acceptance, and make patients into vocal advocates for your practice?

The first pillar of growth is building trust with your patients. With guided patient exams, you can ensure that your patients understand why treatment is necessary. Due to a variety of factors, many dentists spend their first interactions with patients telling them what needs to be done and not why things need to be done in the first place. This often makes patients feel overwhelmed and like they are being forced to make a decision without complete information.

By building trust and educating your patients, you can build lasting relationships and improve the health of your patient base. With the right tools and learning aids, you can help patients understand complex concepts. In The Dental App, there is a convenient and effective guided dental exam workflow that creates infographics that easily show what is going on in a patient’s mouth, recommended treatments, and an order of treatment. With treatment plans that are evidence-based and carefully explained to patients, you can expect treatment plan acceptance to skyrocket.

Pillar 2: Revenue Cycle Management

The backbone of any successful dental practice is successful billing. Most dental practices have to deal with insurance providers, which can be a double-edged sword. In fact, most negative reviews that dental practices receive online have nothing to do with the actual services that were provided—they have to do with insurance and billing problems!

The Dental App can help eliminate these pain points and turn them into opportunities for you to provide a smoother and more seamless experience. The Dental App has a proprietary workflow for billing that is a turnkey solution for all of your needs. The process starts with insurance verification that is guided by AI. Once services are rendered, the system will automatically generate insurance claim paperwork. Instead of needing to send the claim through your own practice management software, you can use a single solution to manage outstanding claims, upload documents, modify claims, and more. With a simple process that allows for more accurate estimates, you can make patients happy and be proactive instead of reactive.   

Pillar 3: Patient Communication

Patients today want to customize their communications, and patient communication through The Dental App makes it easier than ever. From basic things like automatic appointment reminders to more complex things, like pinpointing patients who are in need of treatment and following up with them, an overhaul of your patient communication workflow can radically improve your dental practice.

While many other industries have communication solutions, many dental practices are forced to do things manually. The Dental App gives you access to an innovative pipeline so that you can separate and identify different parts of your patient base. With easy access to this information, your staff members can manually or automatically touch base with patients and keep track of those interactions to avoid overwhelming patients. It’s easy to keep your schedule full with the right software leading the way.

Pillar 4: Measuring and Monitoring

The fourth pillar of growth involves measuring and monitoring every aspect of your business. In dentistry, it can be challenging to measure different aspects of your practice. In The Dental App, you can easily see how you’re doing. The Business Intelligence Suite has simple terms that can show you a quick glimpse at the pulse of your business or more in-depth reports for when you want to take a deep dive.

Through proper measuring and monitoring, you can identify new growth opportunities and quickly see if things are heading in a potentially negative direction so that you can adjust. By combining all of these metrics and reports into one place, you can eliminate the need to go from app to app and easily see what you need when you need it.