Is your dental practice properly billing the CDT codes for the services that you perform? How many thousands of dollars have you lost as a direct result of improperly submitted claims? If you are one of the thousands of frustrated dentists missing out on revenue due to denied or downgraded claims, a coding and compliance review could transform your dental practice.

Why Is Proper Coding So Important? 

Proper dental coding is more important than ever before. Improper or outdated codes will not be corrected by the insurance company, and your dental practice has a duty to record the accurate code for each and every service performed. Every time you leave a code out, you are leaving money on the table.

It’s also important to remember that codes do not always equate to proper reimbursement.

Why a Coding and Compliance Review? 

A coding and compliance review from APEX Reimbursement Specialists includes:

  • A comprehensive forensic review of your practice analysis report
  • An audit of your clinical protocols
  • A full written report with our expert recommendations
  • A 30-minute consultation to discuss our findings and suggested next steps

Our coding and compliance review services help your dental practice to generate revenue through optimized and correct coding. They also can identify any potential red flags before you are penalized for them in a formal audit. Our goal is to help your practice identify areas in which you can earn at least 10 times your current revenue through working smarter, not harder.

Case Study: A Maryland Dentist 

One of our most recent clients, a Maryland dentist, completed a practice analysis with APEX. He was stunned to find that his dental practice could be taking in a whopping $40,000 in additional annual revenue by coding properly.

Partner with APEX Reimbursement Specialists 

If you are ready to ensure compliance and proper coding at your dental practice or take advantage of our PPO negotiation services, contact APEX Reimbursement Specialists today at (410) 710-6005.