Every new year brings along with it changes to CDT codes, and 2019 is no different. This year, the Code Maintenance Committee reviewed a wide variety of codes related to new technologies, procedures and materials designed to improve oral health. In this blog, we are focusing on the notable CDT 2019 code changes every dental practice should know.
Added Codes
Following the addition of D0411-HbA1c in-office point-of-service testing to CDT 2018, D0412-blood glucose level test—in office using a glucose meter has been added to CDT 2019. The addition of another code shows the important role that all healthcare professionals, including dentists, play in ensuring patient health. Learning blood glucose levels before major procedures could be critical in determining whether or not the procedure is appropriate.
The addition of D931-temporomandibular joint dysfunction, non-invasive physical therapies to CDT 2019 is remarkable because it is the first time a code has been issued for a physical therapy-based treatment of TMJ symptoms. This code change falls in line with the growing understanding that treatment of TMJ should go beyond appliance therapy.
Changes in the D15– section of CDT 2019 all attempt to more precisely describe the space maintainer procedures being performed. Instead of utilizing a single code for all space maintainer procedures, now there are codes to identify specific areas.
Some of the notable additions include:
- D0412: Blood Glucose Test in Office
- D1516: Space Maintainer Fixed Maxillary
- D1517: Space Maintainer Fixed Mand
- D1526: Space Maintainer Removable Max
- D1527: Space Maintainer Removable Mand
- D5282: Remove Unilateral Part Dent Max
- D5283: Remove Unilateral Part Dent Mand
- D5876: Metl Subcs to ACR Dent per Arch
- D9310: TMJ Non-Inv Phys Therapies
- D9613: Infl Sustained Therapeutic Drug
- D9944: Occlusal Grd Hard Appl Full Arch
- D9945: Occlusal Grd Soft Appl Full Arch
- D9946: Occlusal Grd Hard Appl Part Arch
- D9961: Duplicate/Copy Patients Records
- D9990: Cert Trns OR SGN-Lan Srv Per Vis
Deleted Codes
Two of the notable deleted codes have been removed to make space for new, more specific codes to describe where space maintainers are being utilized.
Some of the notable deleted codes include:
- D1515: Space Maintainer—Fixed—Bilateral
- D1525: Space Maintainer—Removable—Bilateral
- D5281: Removable Unilateral Partial Denture—One Piece Cast Metal
- D9940: Occlusal Guard, By Report
Updated Codes
The five updated CDT 2019 codes have new wording to better describe the procedure or service being performed. For example, D7283-placement of a device to facilitate eruption of impacted tooth has an updated description to better reflect where the procedure is performed. Previously, it was considered an orthodontic procedure, so the code description change reflects the reality that it is not always considered part of orthodontics.
Some of the notable updated codes include:
- D5211: Upper Partial Denture—Resin is now Maxillary Partial Denture—Resin
- D5212: Lower Partial Denture—Resin is now Mandibular Partial Denture—Resin
- D5630: Repair/Replace Broken Clasp is now Repair/Replace Broken Clasp—TH
- D7283: Unerupted Tooth Device is now Device—Eruption IMP Tooth
- D9219: Eval Deep Sedation/Gen Anes is now Eval—Mod—Deep Sedation/Gen Anes
The Latest CDT 2019 Information from APEX Reimbursement Specialists
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